Ranked 171st out of 177 countries in 2017 on the Human Development Index (HDI) by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Chad is among the 10 poorest countries in the world (UNDP Report, 2016).
Agriculture and livestock farming are the main pillars of the national economy, contributing an average of 40% to GDP. The development and professionalization of the livestock-meat sector, 1st export product (excluding oil) ahead of cotton, will contribute to economic growth and thus to Chad's economic development. The majority of Chad's population live in rural areas, and their way of life is largely based on the exploitation of natural resources through livestock farming and agriculture.
According to the World Bank, 62% of Chadians live below the poverty line, with an income of less than $1.25 a day. Enhancing the value of the livestock-meat sector will enable poor populations who base part of their livelihood on the production and marketing of livestock-meat to make a better living from their activity.
This project aims to contribute to the development of competitive, regional and inclusive livestock-meat value chains, by enhancing the value of West African pastoral and agropastoral livestock, integrating livestock farmers into these value chains under remunerative conditions, and satisfying household demand for meat in the region.
The project will help to increase the quantity and quality of meat produced, and thus give Chad the means to consolidate its position in the supply of meat to the sub-regional market, by improving the value of livestock-meat through training, organization and equipment of livestock farmers' groups. This will enable players to sell their products at better prices and thus improve their incomes.
To contribute to Chad's economic development and poverty reductioń by increasing people's incomes and exports.
Specific objectives

Project component

Outcome 1
- The capacity of fattening farms in the project's target areas has been strengthened
Outcome 2
- The Availability and access to quality livestock feed are improved
Outcome 3
- The supply of animals with high genetic potential for meat production is increased