
Recruitment of a Firm to improve the methodology for monitoring the various categories of stocks at the national level, and to set up an electronic platform (collection, processing and dissemination of information)

Date de publication :
Friday, 15 March 2024
Date limite de soumission :
  1. ECOWAS Commission has received funding from the Agence française de Développement (AFD) to cover the cost of the support project to the Interim Phase of the West Africa Food Security Storage Project (STOCK II), and intends to allocate part of the funding to payments related to the services for which this Request for Proposals is issued.
  2. The purpose of the Applicant's Services will be to improve the methodology for monitoring the various categories of stocks at national level, and to set up an electronic platform (collection, processing and dissemination of information).
  3. ECOWAS, represented by the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (RAAF)  now invites eligible applicants to submit sealed proposals to provide the services described above. For more information on the Services, please refer to the attached Terms of Reference (Appendix 1).
  4. This Notice of Request for Proposals is addressed to consulting firms and groups of consulting firms.
  5. The eligibility criteria for AFD funding are specified in Article 1.3 of the "Directives pour la Passation des Marchés financés par l’AFD dans les États étrangers" (Guidelines for the procurement of AFD-financed contracts in foreign States), available online on the AFD website:
  6. Applicants may submit only one application on their own behalf or as a Group. If an Applicant (including a member of a Group) submits many applications or applies more than once, these‑applications will be rejected. However, a subcontractor may participate in several applications.
  7. Eligible and interested Consultants can:

In the event of any contradiction between the French and English versions of the documents, the French version shall prevail.

  1. The Technical and Financial Proposals consisting of two (02) separate documents must be submitted electronically no later than april 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM GMT to the following address: ; cc :;;
  2. The opening of the Technical Proposals will take place online on april 19, 2024 from 11:45 am GMT. The link to the opening session will be sent by e-mail to the firms that have submitted a proposal.
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